What is a home hero?
…and how do you become one?
As part of our initiative we help homeowners of Clark County become home heroes!
What does it mean to become a home hero?
A Home Hero is a homeowner who is confident in their home purchase, knows how to maintain their home and exercise best practices for safety and building efficiency. Here at Planet Clark, our First Preventers of Clark County Building Safety know how to keep your family safe through best building and home practices. There’s a treasure trove of resources on every page to help you on your Home Hero journey.
Whether you are renting a home, you have purchased an existing dwelling, or you’re planning to build a new home, you’ll find valuable information to manage and maintain your home, keep you and your family safe, and protect your investment.
Meet the Home Heroes of Planet Clark, and discover how they work hard to keep you safe and protect your dwelling. Once you think and act like they do, and apply their knowledge of home health and safety, you’ll be a home hero too

These Planet Clark First Preventers know what it means to keep you safe in your home, and how to protect it from disasters. You’ll not find them inside your home for inspections, and work with the contractors to make sure everything is in order. They spend time at Home Events too, right along with the Planet Clark Trailer. They talk with homeowners and renters on important home topics and help with weatherization projects for low income families too.

Combatting every homeowner's worst nightmare
The unforeseens
The Home Villains may be lurking in your home, but you don't even know it. We call these the Unforseens.
Before you buy an existing home, make sure the water pipes and electrical systems are in excellent health. If not, these are not issues you want to ignore.
Left uncheckked, old water pipes with leaks can turn into a massive and expensive mess, ruin walls and flooring. Old electrical wiring or faulty wiring can cause spark a fire that destroys your building.
Make sure smoke your newly acquired home has smoke detectors are in good working condition, and check for Radon too.
Know the threats to home health, and don't delay on finding professionals who can help you resolve these issues before they become full-fledged disasters.
Check out our Homeowners Manual too, and learn how to prepare ahead before disasters strike.
Fighting the evil forces of
The zombie Contractors
Building a home or addition to a home, 'on the cheap', may turn out to be very expensive and threaten the health of your family. An unpermitted new dwelling, that hasn't been properly inspected is a huge threat to safety and the protection of your assets.
Zombie Contractors come in all shapes and sizes and they have one thing in mind - taking your money and leaving your dwelling in shambles, with little financial recourse. Once the damage is done, and they are off the property, you may have a hard time finding them. They don't return phone calls and seem to never be available when you have questions.
Don't take a chance on cheap, unlicensed zombie contractors. Utilize the contractor finder, look at their license first, find out if there have been any complaints against them, and look for online review. Planet Clark Partners are home heroes, and you'll find more about them throughout the site. Check out the epic building fails too, and see the Zombie Apocolypse.

Top Resources for Home Owners

Ductwork & HVAC

Energy Efficiency

Erosion Control

Healthy Home Checklist

Home Owners Manual


Indoor Air Quality

Protect Your Peeps

Seven Things for Every Home
Do you represent the building safety department for your county?
Find out why Clark County’s Building Safety program was honored by the International Code Council with receipt of the ICC Raising the Profile award! Visit Blueprint.PlanetClark.com and steal this blueprint!
Planet Clark Interactive Trailer Coming Soon
Every year you can expect to see the Planet Clark Trailer at the Clark PUD Clark County Home & Garden Idea Fair too. Due to health mandates in 2022, this show has been cancelled until further notice. We will let you know of other upcoming events. In the meantime, we are planning to offer new, fun and exciting games and puzzles for kids of all ages. Stay tuned and you'll get a sneak peak at the changes we are making to the trailer. It has changed three times now, since the beginning - to keep you coming back for more fun and education. Check back soon!
Planet Clark works with local Partners that include Clark Public Utilities and Northwest Natural