Protect your Peeps
Being a home hero means protecting the health of your family (peeps)
Understanding how to keep your family safe
The safety of your home is critical to the wellbeing of your family. Below you’ll find some important
resources that can protect you and your family’s health, safety, and home value.
1. Protect Your Health
Up to 90% of our time is spent indoors. There are between 250 and 400 chemicals in the average person’s body tissue, many of those are from materials in the home. Other air quality issues come from mold, radon, fiberglass and toxic dust from a leaky furnace ventilation system. Learn the 5 steps to improving your indoor air quality and visit the links at the bottom of the page for some very useful information and resources.
2. Protect Your Pocket Book
Building departments get calls regularly from homeowners asking for help. They have had work done, or have bought a house that had unpermitted work done to it. They are concerned about their safety and the value of their house. After inspection of that work it is often found that they will need to spend even more money to fix problems to make their home safe and the work legal. Protect your PEEP’s, don’t let your house become an epic building fail.
3. Protect Your Home’s Value
It’s tough to learn that you may not be able to sell your home due to unpermitted-uninspected work. If that uninspected work causes a fire or injury, your insurance may not cover that loss and or liability. Protect your family and one of the biggest investments you make. Get a permit! The bottom line is that permits protect your family. Please contact us if you need help or have any questions.