Welcome to
Good Wall vs. Bad Wall
Getting it right, the first time!
Welcome to Clark County’s Good Wall, Bad Wall project.
Clark County is committed to fostering a safe, secure future where natural resources are conserved and basic human needs are met. This includes clean water, fresh air and healthy food, along with shelter, education and employment.
The Clark County Sustainability Policy (CCSP) was adopted to identify areas of improvement relating to environmental preservation and enhancements, energy conservation and renewable energy resources. The CCSP advisory committee implements and monitors impacts and funds sustainable projects using the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System framework as a systematic methodology to manage change.
The Planet Clark Emerald House is another “lead by example” project, selected by the CCSP because it meets the policy objectives for neighborhood improvement, energy reduction, innovative design and efficient use of resources. Learn more about Clark County’s sustainability mission, targets and achievements.
Incorrect trap arm installation
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Code 384.312
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sagittis eros a nunc aliquam, eu viverra leo gravida. Curabitur neque elit, posuere vitae ante eget, pulvinar accumsan lacus. Mauris aliquet porta sapien, ut convallis mauris imperdiet eu. Pellentesque vitae volutpat elit. Suspendisse eget porta sem, id volutpat purus.
Incorrect trap arm installation
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sagittis eros a nunc aliquam, eu viverra leo gravida. Curabitur neque elit, posuere vitae ante eget, pulvinar accumsan lacus. Mauris aliquet porta sapien, ut convallis mauris imperdiet eu. Pellentesque vitae volutpat elit. Suspendisse eget porta sem, id volutpat purus.
Curabitur neque elit, posuere vitae ante eget, pulvinar accumsan lacus. Mauris aliquet porta sapien, ut convallis mauris imperdiet eu.
Curabitur neque elit, posuere vitae ante eget, pulvinar accumsan lacus. Mauris aliquet porta sapien, ut convallis mauris imperdiet eu.
Code 384.312
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sagittis eros a nunc aliquam, eu viverra leo gravida. Curabitur neque elit, posuere vitae ante eget, pulvinar accumsan lacus. Mauris aliquet porta sapien, ut convallis mauris imperdiet eu. Pellentesque vitae volutpat elit. Suspendisse eget porta sem, id volutpat purus.
Top Resources for Home Owners
Ductwork & HVAC
Energy Efficiency
Erosion Control
Healthy Home Checklist
Home Owners Manual
Indoor Air Quality
Protect Your Peeps
Seven Things for Every Home
Do you represent the building safety department for your county?
Find out why Clark County’s Building Safety program was honored by the International Code Council with receipt of the ICC Raising the Profile award! Visit Blueprint.PlanetClark.com and steal this blueprint!
Planet Clark Interactive Trailer Coming Soon
Every year you can expect to see the Planet Clark Trailer at the Clark PUD Clark County Home & Garden Idea Fair too. Due to health mandates in 2022, this show has been cancelled until further notice. We will let you know of other upcoming events. In the meantime, we are planning to offer new, fun and exciting games and puzzles for kids of all ages. Stay tuned and you'll get a sneak peak at the changes we are making to the trailer. It has changed three times now, since the beginning - to keep you coming back for more fun and education. Check back soon!
Planet Clark works with local Partners that include Clark Public Utilities and Northwest Natural