by planetclarkIT | Jun 21, 2008 | Hot Topics
Your house is a system. How and where it sits on the property, known as ‘siting’, determines how it will be affected by the seasons and weather. The walls, roof, floor, windows, doors, and insulation make up the envelope of the structure. The heating and...
by planetclarkIT | Jun 21, 2008 | Hot Topics
Weatherization Preventing outside elements like air and water finding their way into your house. To increase comfort and save on your energy bills, it’s necessary to assure that the outside elements like air and water don’t find their way into your house. The first...
by planetclarkIT | Jun 6, 2008 | Hot Topics
Indoor Air Quality The average American spends over 90 percent of their time indoors, where the air can be five times more polluted than outdoors. Homes have become more airtight in an effort to save energy, and as a result we have trapped pollutants inside. Follow...
by planetclarkIT | Jun 5, 2008 | Hot Topics
Planing For Success… If you are constructing, you are responsible. You will need to become knowledgeable. Don’t Make Mud! Contractors and homeowners alike, must follow the same regulations for erosion control and stormwater run-off from excavation to final...