home Hero Resources
Homeowner & Builder Resources for Safe and Healthy Homes
Whether you are a homeowner or builder, Planet Clark has something for you.
Home Safety is the number one goal of Clark County Building Safety & Planet Clark. We have built a houseful of educational resources that will grow your knowledge of best building practices, home maintenance and home health. Explore the topics below and test your knowledge.
Top Resources for Home Owners

Ductwork & HVAC
Is your HVAC System working properly? How does this affect your health and budget? Ductwork that moves aire through your system can have leaks, costing your a small forture on energy costs. Leaky ducts let allergens into the system and affects your indoor air quality too

Energy Efficiency
Your house is a system. Learn about your property and how it will be affected by the seasons and weather. The walls, roof, floor, windows, doors, and insulation are the envelope of the structure. The heating and cooling, ventilation, and ductwork should work together for optimal performance.

Erosion Control
Did you know Contractors and homeowners alike, must follow regulations for erosion control and stormwater run-off. From excavation to final building you must do your part to protect our community’s waterways, vegitation and neighborhood streets, and your own backyard.

Healthy Home Checklist
Home maintenance is easy when you have the right tools. New and existing homeowners alike will benefit from our healthy home checklist. These are he top actions to prevent disasters before they happen, keep your family safe, and protect your investment. You can download the brochure too.

Home Owners Manual
Become the hero of your castle. Do you have a Homeowners Manual? Maintain your home with great success! Owning a home is a big responsibility. The systems inside your home require regular upkeep and maintenance. Use this manual to manage your home.

To increase comfort and save on your energy bills, it’s necessary to assure that the outside elements like air and water don’t find their way into your house. Learn the area you want to test and suggested improvements.

Indoor Air Quality
The average American spends over 90 percent of their time indoors, where the air can be five times more polluted than outdoors. Homes have become more airtight in an effort to save energy, and as a result we have trapped pollutants inside. Follow these steps for healthy indoor air

Protect Your Peeps
The safety of your home is critical to the well being of your family. The top three ways you can protect your peeps include: 1. protect your families health
2. Protect your pocket book
3. Protect your property's value
Learn more...

Seven Things for Every Home
Learn the top 7 things you should know to protect your family and investment. These tops tips will help you prevent disasters before they happen. Topics ranging from permits and inspections to fire alarms and smoke detectors. Always plan ahead for emergencies.
Tour the Planet Clark Trailer
…and see live demonstrations in an interactive environment the whole family will enjoy. You and your family can learn together how to improve the quality of your lives, conserve resources and gain new insights into the latest home technologies.

What does it mean to become a home hero?
A home hero is a homeowner who is confident in their home purchase, home maintenance, contracted work, and do-it-yourself project. Meet the team and discover how Building Safety will protect you and your family. Become a home hero!
Here are a couple of our newest home heroes who attended the Annual Recycled Arts Fair held at Esther Short Park. In addition to playing inside the trailer, and learning about your home, some of the fun included spinning the dial to win cool prizes, like your very own superhero figurines. Kids of every age will learn how to protect the health and safety of their homes by learning about the systems that impact safety.

Planet Clark works with local Partners that include Clark Public Utilities and Northwest Natural